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How do I get statistics or view reports?

904 views   |   0   0   |   Last updated on Jul 12, 2016    Statistics - Reports


1.    Log in to

2.    Click on Reports button on top menu

3.    Select from the following options:

 - Reservations: Displays reservations for a certain date range, specific patron, or other limits by using the Report Settings link.

 - Available Passes: Displays how many passes are available for each venue, based on a specific date range. The date range can be altered using the Report Settings link.

 - Patron Logins: Displays the number of unique patrons logging into the Discover & Go service.

  - Reservations By Zip Code: Displays by Zip Code how many reservations have been made and the percentage of all reservations.

 - Reservation Stats: Displays a summary of reservation statistics by date range. Page Views by Venue Offer, and displays how many unique patron views of each offer available.


4.    Click on "Report Settings" (blue link) for search delimiters:

       - Enter a Date Range or deselect for no date range.

       - Set Limits by choosing your Organization and what type of report you need: 

            Active Reservations: Passes that have been released to patrons.

            Canceled Reservations: Passes that have been canceled by patrons.

            Unused Reservations:  Passes that have not been used.

            Zip Code: Reports based on zip code area.

            Patron Age: Reports based on age of user.

       - OR, choose the Venue: Reports based on venue.

       - OR, choose Patron Search: Reports by Patron.

 5.    Click on the "Reservations" button to see statistics.